Vom Mauschen Und Mettwurstchen by Elsa Eisgruber - First Edition 1924 Beautiful!

Vom Mauschen Und Mettwurstchen by Elsa Eisgruber. Published by Oldenburg, Stalling in 1924. 4to yellow cloth, pictorial paper over boards, first edition. Board edges rubbed, moderate soiling to boards, interior toned. Illustrated by the author. 14 pages in color, stylized font. In German. Good condition.Please contact us with any questions.Shipped with USPS Media Mail.
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Vom Mauschen Und Mettwurstchen by Elsa Eisgruber. Published by Oldenburg, Stalling in 1924. 4to yellow cloth, pictorial paper over boards, first edition. Board edges rubbed, moderate soiling to boards, interior toned. Illustrated by the author. 14 pages in color, stylized font. In German. Good condition.Please contact us with any questions.Shipped with USPS Media Mail.
Vom Mauschen Und Mettwurstchen by Elsa Eisgruber. Published by Oldenburg, Stalling in 1924. 4to yellow cloth, pictorial paper over boards, first edition. Board edges rubbed, moderate soiling to boards, interior toned. Illustrated by the author. 14 pages in color, stylized font. In German. Good condition.Please contact us with any questions.Shipped with USPS Media Mail.