MOBY DICK -Herman Melville, 1902 Rare- Famous Novels of the Sea
Based on the events depicted in the “Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex” and the legend of “Mocha Dick," it is the story of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage aboard the whaling ship the Pequod. Commanded by the obsessed Captain Ahab, a man who is hell-bent on revenge against a white whale of incredible ferocity, the Pequod and its crew are tasked with this singular goal, whatever the emotional or human cost. It is a novel rich with symbolism and complex themes.
8vo hardcover. Publisher's green cloth over boards. Gilt titles (faded) at spine. Blindstamped Scribner's logo on cover. Tips bumped. 492pp plus extracts. Very well bound. Binding secure. Previous owner's name on inside cover (in pen). No other interior marks. Overall a clean and tight copy.
Based on the events depicted in the “Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex” and the legend of “Mocha Dick," it is the story of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage aboard the whaling ship the Pequod. Commanded by the obsessed Captain Ahab, a man who is hell-bent on revenge against a white whale of incredible ferocity, the Pequod and its crew are tasked with this singular goal, whatever the emotional or human cost. It is a novel rich with symbolism and complex themes.
8vo hardcover. Publisher's green cloth over boards. Gilt titles (faded) at spine. Blindstamped Scribner's logo on cover. Tips bumped. 492pp plus extracts. Very well bound. Binding secure. Previous owner's name on inside cover (in pen). No other interior marks. Overall a clean and tight copy.
Based on the events depicted in the “Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex” and the legend of “Mocha Dick," it is the story of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage aboard the whaling ship the Pequod. Commanded by the obsessed Captain Ahab, a man who is hell-bent on revenge against a white whale of incredible ferocity, the Pequod and its crew are tasked with this singular goal, whatever the emotional or human cost. It is a novel rich with symbolism and complex themes.
8vo hardcover. Publisher's green cloth over boards. Gilt titles (faded) at spine. Blindstamped Scribner's logo on cover. Tips bumped. 492pp plus extracts. Very well bound. Binding secure. Previous owner's name on inside cover (in pen). No other interior marks. Overall a clean and tight copy.