Albert York Monograph, Essay by William Corbett, 2010

Pressed Wafer Press. First edition. First monograph of American painter Albert York (born Detroit) published following his death in 2009. York was a brilliant, but reclusive painter who lived and worked in NYC for most of his adult life. This scarce paperback is one of the few representations of a large body of impressive work.

Essay by Boston poet William Corbett.
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Pressed Wafer Press. First edition. First monograph of American painter Albert York (born Detroit) published following his death in 2009. York was a brilliant, but reclusive painter who lived and worked in NYC for most of his adult life. This scarce paperback is one of the few representations of a large body of impressive work.

Essay by Boston poet William Corbett.
Pressed Wafer Press. First edition. First monograph of American painter Albert York (born Detroit) published following his death in 2009. York was a brilliant, but reclusive painter who lived and worked in NYC for most of his adult life. This scarce paperback is one of the few representations of a large body of impressive work.

Essay by Boston poet William Corbett.