What: an open mic, featuring writer Fox Welsh
When: Friday March 22, 6-8:30pm
Where: Here at the store, 132 Main St. in Gloucester
How much: Free! (Suggested donation $5)
Info: 6pm doors & open mic sign-up
6:15pm: Reading & Talk with Fox Welsh
7-8:30pm: Community open mic
Fox Welsh joins the Dogtown Books 4th Friday Open Mic series on March 22 for an evening of sharing stories and discussing the creative process. Before the community open mic, Fox will give a short reading from their current work in progress, Songbird, a YA novel about queerness, mental health, and living outside the boxes we are expected to fit into. They’ll also give a talk about the process of writing a novel, especially when built on personal experience, and the ways that they integrate creativity into their everyday life. If you’ve ever had a question about the novel writing process, are struggling to get your creativity flowing, have something you’d like to share on the mic, or just want to sit quietly in the back and be inspired by awesome stuff…stop by and join us!